Tuesday, September 29, 2009

On Lane Bryant, and Finding Clothes that Fit

This blog has been rather silent lately, so I thought we could share with you a recent discussion between Emma and myself:

Emma: want to see what i got for date night?
me: sure!
Emma: http://www.lanebryant.com/product/Apparel-Accessories/Tops/shirts-blouses/Bead-embellished-tunic/20668/pc/4018/pslot/57/sc/90/c/4019.uts
me: oh, that is awesome!!! that will look so good on you
Emma: with leggings and knee high boots
me: and it's so cute and totally your style
Emma: meg picked it out
me: go meg
Emma: i was like i am not going to lane bryant, but she made me
me: my mom once suggested i shop at lane bryant and i got in a huge fight with her
Emma: hahah its like insulting!
but i have to admit, its nice to be in a store where everything is actually too big for me. a lot of frump, but some cute
Emma: and it really is nice being the smallest size
me: yeah, maybe we should have a lane bryant shopping day together
Emma: most stores dont even carry my size anymore
i can only shop at department stores, which is so frustrating
i dont think im THAT big
me: yeah, that makes me so angry and sad
like, b/c you are not a size six you probably only shop at dress barn and other stores named for farms, so we are not going to carry clothes for you
Emma: hahahahahahahah
yeah, its horrible
when i go with people its embarassing when stores dont even have anything i can try on
me: yeah, i know. h&m is the worst offender
Emma: YES
and forever 21
and limited
me: oh, god, i gave up on forever21 after i got CAUGHT in a shirt in the dressing room and had to rip it to get it off and practically ran out of the store
Emma: hahah nice
they say the average american woman is a size 14
where the hell is she shopping?!
i HAAAATE how stores have like a normal section
and then the dreaded WOMENS section
me: oh, god, i know
Emma: like just put it all in one freaking place!!!
at macys they have it hidden away upstairs
so you cant even like sneak over to it. you have to take a freaking escalator
me: ahahaha. and everything is shapped like a grabage bag

And so we leave you with our anthem: