Tuesday, July 7, 2009

And so it begins

Hindered by our love of Night Cheese, we are plunging head first into the world of dieting and blogging.

I've never been a particularly active or athletic person. During my brief stint on a HS sports team, I once tried to rescue a basketball from going out of bounds only to bounce it off my own forehead. I did, however, receive a varsity letter for participating on Math Team. You get the picture.

Anyway, about two years about I started gaining weight, eventually adding on 30 pounds. I recently joined an embarrassingly expensive gym where I get a personal trainer, and started losing some weight. I went on vacation, and promptly regained it and then some. Who knew so much deep dish pizza was bad for you? I have three weeks left at my super-gym, so I've got to make the most of it.

My long-term goals are as follows:
1. To incorporate healthy eating and exercise into my life so that is the norm, not the exception to my regular routine.
2. To increase core strength, because I am a busty girl and I don't want back problems.
3. To lose 30 pounds. Current weight: 185 lbs.

Here we go!

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