Friday, July 10, 2009

Desk Candy

Emma here...

Does anyone have any good suggestions for satisfying snacks to take to work? My office keeps a giant bowl of candy (Milky ways and Snickers, not the gross Jolly Rancher kind) on my desk and I end up picking at it all day. I probably eat about 3-5 mini candies a day- so bad. I figure that if I could go a whole week without candy that would probably be about a pound of weight loss and a whole lot less sugar. Any ideas of something I could take with me to work? I've tried baby carrots and prunes, but when I get a candy craving those things usually don't cut it.



  1. That was the worst part about being a receptionist! (Well, thre are lots of terrible parts. This is one of them.)

    I ended up making a rule that the candy that sat on my desk was off limits. Candy as a whole wasn't, but I wasn't allowed to eat THAT candy. So if I wanted something I would have to get up and walk to the vending machine. This put a huge dent in the mindless candy eating I was doing out of boredom.

    I know it sounds like an overly simple solution, and I defintely wasn't perfect, but I was amazed by how significantly I managed to reduce my candy-eating.

  2. I have a sweet tooth, and this same problem comes up a lot. I keep a small bag of dried fruits (cranberries, blueberries, cherries, raisins, etc) at my desk and munch on those (I also put a small handful in my oatmeal in the morning to make one packet go a little further). I'm sure there is a lot of sugar in me solution as well, but I like to think it's a healthier, more nautral sugar.
