Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Wake up, already!

Amanda, over on One Happy Panda, discussed a chronic problem of mine: a complete inability to get out of bed in the morning.

Every night, when I go to sleep, I say to myself, "Self, in the morning you will go to the gym or go running. That will be a lovely start to your day!"

Every morning I hit the snooze button for at least 45 minutes.

The real trouble with all of this is that, the longer the day goes on, the harder it is for me to get myself exercising. If I haven't exercised by ten a.m., there is an 89% chance that it isn't going to happen.

Any tricks for either a) getting out of bed early (Yes, I currently have my alarm clock across the room,) and/or b) motivating myself when exercising isn't the very first thing I do?


  1. dont think about it too much. count to three and say i am getting up on three. then just count to three and swing out of bed. the more time you give yourself the more likely you are to talk yourself out of it.

  2. This is so simple that I rather like it. Here I come, tomorrow morning. :)

  3. Sometimes I sleep in my workout clothes. It sounds weird, but when you get up, you have to shamefully take them off and change into something else if you're not going to work out. It's just crazy enough to work!

  4. I like to sleep with the blinds open. That way (well, NOT IN JUNE) the sun shines in on my face at like, 6am, and I'm awake and happy that the sun is out.

    Also, having a cat or other pet in the house forcing you to play with her or feed her at 5 am helps. But that isn't really an option for you.
