Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Lady Diet

Kyley here.

Yesterday I had an appointment with my trainer, Nicole, at the gym. She's totally wonderful and I wish I could got to work out with her every single day. It was also my first workout after about three weeks of traveling for work and vacation, and let me tell you I am SORE today.

I'd really like to break into a regular routine of exercise for health and anxiety reasons, but I'm so wary of falling into the traps of cultural diet and body image pressures.

Sometimes I want to totally pig out as a mini form of rebellion. Additionally, if I'm out to dinner I desperately don't want to be *that girl* who orders a salad to everyone's cheese burger. I'm learning to order the salad and not feel bad about it (I genuinely like fruits and veggies.) but it's a strange struggle for me.

Food and diet is such a difficult issue to navigate for women (and men). I'm trying to develop healthy habits AND a healthy self esteem about my body.

What do you think? How do you navigate the world of diet and weightloss? Do you worry about all those cultural pressures, or have you managed to drown the noise out?

And, for no reason other than love, I leave you with this:


  1. 1. Thank you so much for shining a light on this lovely blog of yours
    2. Thank you so much for showing me Sarah Haskins. I have her in my google reader and I watch EVERY video she makes.
    3. So, for the gym, honestly, I never feel bad about the night cheese, because i don't work out to lose the weight, i work out because i love the feeling after. I also love feeling STRONG. And let me tell you, weightlifting is not a "slender-izing" thing. Especially not for my thighs. But i work out to feel strong, not skinny. So i aim for a healthy STRONG body image, not a skinny meatless one.

  2. 1. I love lists and comments and you, so thanks for pretty much making this the best comment of all time.
    2. Emma and I are also obsessed with Sarah Haskins. I have even sent her fan emails. (I was drunk, and watching her videos, and thought it would be a good idea.)
    3. Thank you for putting the emphasis on STRENGTH. That's exactly it, and it's been one of the most exciting things about actually going to the gym and meeting with a trainer (who shows me how to do things!). So, yes, strength is the prefect antidote to all that crap about living off of yogurt. :)
