Monday, July 13, 2009


As I mentioned before, I am a sucker for all things sweet. Inspired by Emma's recent post, I thought I'd share my new favorite dessert:
Lime is my favorite flavor, but they are all delicious. There is no fructose corn syrup, no fat, and only 13 grams of sugar. As a matter of fact, maybe I'll eat one right now!


  1. HFC is something I should look out for more. I have been trying to keep track of how much sugar I eat but I never look for HFC. Apparently we are all supposed to limit our sugar intake to about 40g a day, but I know I eat much more than that. It's so hard to track unless you are looking at nutrition facts all the time!

  2. Yeah, it's so hard to figure out because it is in EVERYTHING. Upon closer examination, these popsicles do have "corn syrup" which, at least, is better than HFCS.
